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I am interested in passing on my experience. Therefore I lecture at universities, give talks and offer individual seminars according to your needs.

Wolfgang Weck

Dr. sc. techn., Dipl. Ing. (ETH Zurich)

Talks and Seminars I am Offering

The Role of the Software Architect      (abstract)
What do software architects do? Are they the chief developers or the platform specialists? Well, the architect of a house, at least, is not the chief bricklayer!
     We investigate the role of a mediator between technicians, project leaders, and system owners respectively, and discover as the central task of architects to handle the technical aspects of division of labor. This relates to both, the self-image of software architects, and their clients' image of them. Today, expectations often do not match, and hence people face conflicts endangering entire projects. Can we learn a lesson from house architects? (read more)
Systematically Designing Component Frameworks      (abstract)
What are Component-Frameworks? What do they provide? What are the important properties? How can you systematically construct a good component framework?
     Using a simple and didactic example, we show a number of lessons to answer the above questions. (read more)
Tales from Component Hell — Blame Assignment as a key issue of Component Software
Software components promise some kind of component heaven. Systems are assembled from components made in-house or bought from third parties. As the only prerequisite for the system to work, components have to meet their respective specifications and interface standards.
     Unfortunately, assembled systems often do not work and it can become quite a task to point to the component causing the problem. Component vendors blame each other in turn and system integrators find themselves in component hell.
     At the end of the day, it is the software architect's responsibility to hit a way out of any such crisis. Being aware of this already during the architectural design phase, it is a good idea to design the interfaces between components so that mistakes get prohibited, or, those that can happen nevertheless, can be clearly assigned to one of the components.
Customized Seminars According to Your Needs
I will happily prepare for you seminars on other topics in the areas of software architecture or component software, for instance.

Current Lectureships

Software Design
University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)
School of Engineering, Brugg
since 2007
Software Architecture Review (Workshop)
University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)
School of Engineering, Brugg
since 2012
Data Base Fundamentals
Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW)
School of Engineering, Winterthur
since 2008
Program Verification and Asymptotic Complexity
Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW)
School of Engineering, Winterthur
since 2004
IT-Project (member of the coaching team)
University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)
School of Engineering, Brugg
since 2008
Earlier lectureships
Component Software with Eclipse
Furtwangen University
2004 – 2006
Architecting Software Systems in a Component-Oriented Style
Jyväskylä Summer School 2005
August 2005
Project Course: Human Machine Interfaces
Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW)
School of Engineering, Winterthur
2008 – 2010
Algorithms and Data Structures
University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)
School of Engineering, Brugg
Advanced Programming
University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)
School of Engineering, Brugg
Informatik 3
University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW)
School of Engineering, Brugg
2003 – 2006
Structured Programming
Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW)
School of Engineering, Winterthur
2007 – 2009
Object-Oriented Programming
Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW)
School of Engineering, Winterthur

© Wolfgang Weck, 2015